Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We Moved!

Well hello there!  I can't believe how long it's been since I posted.  I actually don't even want to look at the last date because I will just be absolutely embarrassed by the amount of time that has passed.  I am not generally one to offer up excuses but I would like to explain my recent absence... We moved to Texas!!

That's right, after 5 years living in the DC area we decided it was time to try something new and different so we packed our bags and hit the dusty trails (i.e. Route 10) and headed to the Lone Star State.  San Antonio to be exact.  When we first crossed the state line into TX from LA we ran into this awesome statue at the rest area! It's a little blurry but that is me laying on the side of the star... big star huh?  I guess it's true... everything is bigger in TX! :)

We had movers bring the boxes (after we had the fire department rescue them from the elevators they locked themselves in... long story!!) but Nick and I spent 3 days driving half away across the country (halfway across and half way down!).  It took us nearly 28 hours of driving time but we made it in one piece and I didn't even have to abandon him on the side of the highway.  Here is our route... it looks so long on the map! We met some old friends in Atlanta and they took us our for a DELICIOUS brunch and long walk to take our minds off the car trip.  Nick had "tot-achos"... nachos with tater tots instead of chips... I will DEFINITELY be making these soon - stay tuned ;)

We arrived here last week and spent the past week living on an air mattress in our living room waiting on our things to arrive.  After a long week of waiting they arrived yesterday in a giant truck and now we are living in a fortress of boxes!

Despite all the boxes and the chaos I am super excited because look at this kitchen! I'm so excited to make awesome recipes for the site there!  (And maybe some videos?!?).  I walked in the door from work and there was Nick standing over the table; it was the first thing he built knowing that I was anxious to get back into the kitchen!  What a nice guy :)

After a long evening of unpacking last night Nick and I ordered some Chinese take-out.  While the food and beer (that's right... they delivery beer in TX!) were both great the best part was the fortune in the fortune cookie which I am taking as a sign that all is right with our decision to move...

Thanks fortune cookie... I will!  Well that's all for now.  Don't you worry though, I'll be back in just a few days with some great recipes for you.

Y'all come back now, ya hear! :)


  1. WTF? When did you move to Texas?
    Aunt De

    1. Yes! Nick and I moved to San Antonio in March! We are loving the sunshine here :)
